Full Range Hip Strength & Flexibility

This creative practice includes targeted movements to build strength & control in our hips through some full ranges of motion, which will naturally improve flexibility at the same time.

After a mobility-focused warm up, we move into a series of potent & strong hip work from standing to floor-based - all taught with lots of options for backing off or stepping things up (including adding external load in specific movements if you are interested!) It is very likely that your hips will feel sore after this class, so be forewarned! Hopefully the nice passive pigeon pose we get to luxuriate in at the end helps make up for all of the hard work. :)

This practice utilizes 2 yoga blocks. There are also some specific points where you are welcome to add in external load if you'd like to (although this is totally optional!) The external load options mentioned are 1 resistance band, 1 set of ankle weights, and 1 kettlebell/dumbbell/weight plate.

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Evil Blanket Strength


Strong Steady Flow 2