Yoga w/Resistance Bands: Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

In this practice, Laurel leads us through a resistance band-based exploration of all of the elements of the classic yoga asana parivrtta janu sirsasana (a seated pose involving spinal rotation, lateral flexion, and overhead shoulder movement). At the end of the practice, we put all of these component parts together to experience this familiar pose with fresh eyes and newly-activated muscles & movement patterns!

Here are Laurel's recommendations regarding the type of resistance bands to use for this practice:

“2 long bands with small loops, or "stirrups" tied into each end. The recommended weight for these band/s starting out is light to medium. The small loops should be big enough to easily slip your hand or foot into them. When tied, these should be between 3.5-4ft long. You should cut the bands to about 5-5.5 feet to be able to easily tie them to this length. I recommend the latex-free Theraband brand."

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Shoulder Prep & Headstand